【#003 蜷川実花】 アーティスト:蜷川実花×聞き手:猪子寿之(teamLab)

2014/09/23(火) 19:00-21:00


木村伊兵衛写真賞ほか数々受賞。映像作品も多く手がける。2007年、初監督映画『さくらん』公開。2008年に個展「蜷川実花展」が全国の美術館を巡回し、のべ18万人を動員。2010年、Rizzoli N.Y.から写真集『MIKA NINAGAWA』を出版し世界各国で話題となる。2012年、監督映画『ヘルタースケルター』公開、22億円の興行収入を記録。2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会組織委員会理事就任。

Mika Ninagawa(Photographer / Film director)

Mika Ninagawa has been accredited with some prestigious photography awards including the most authoritative photography award “Kimura Ihei Photography Award”, in Japan. Her solo exhibition ‘Mika Ninagawa: Earthly Flowers, Heavenly Colors’ was one of the most talked-about topics since the exhibition recorded the highest turnout in the photography exhibition history in Japan. Her aesthetic and work extended beyond the photography itself, she went onto engaging in fashion collaboration projects with Etro, Celine and mastermind JAPAN amongst others. In 2007, she directed her first film “SAKURAN” to start off her career as a film director. ‘MIKA NINAGAWA’, her photography book was published overseas for the first time in cooperation with Rizzoli N.Y. in 2010. Her second film “Helter Skelter” became the most searched film on the web this year and it recorded more than 2.2 billion Japanese yen at the box office. The film entered the London Film Festival and all the tickets were sold out immediately. Mika Ninagawa is represented by Tomio Koyama Gallery as an artist. Mika has released a free iPhone and Android application called “cameran” ( whereby images taken can be decorated with the distinctive Mika Ninagawa photography style. In 2014, Mika Ninagawa was appointed as one of the organizing committees for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

蜷川実花|Mika Ninagawa


1977年生まれ、徳島市出身。ウルトラテクノロジスト集団チームラボ代表。2001年東京大学工学部計数工学科卒業と同時にチームラボ創業。大学では確率・統計モデルを、大学院では自然言語処理とアートを研究。主な実績として、産経デジタルのニュース・ブログポータルサイト「iza」。「花紅」他作品でミラノサローネに参加(2007年)。auDesign projectにて制作したコンセプトモデル携帯「actface」が文化庁メディア芸術祭審査員推薦作品に選出(2007年)。「花と屍」を仏ルーヴル宮内国立装飾美術館で発表(2008年)。水墨空間「然」が「ADAA大賞」他2賞を受賞(2008年)。

Toshiyuki Inoko(teamLab)(Technologist)

Toshiyuki Inoko, Founder of teamLab was born in Tokushima City in 1977.He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2001, from the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics. He attended the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies before leaving in 2004.