【#006 原口典之】 アーティスト:原口典之×聞き手:中村政人

2014/09/30(火) 19:00-21:00


1946年神奈川県生まれ。日本大学美術学部美術学科卒業。1960年代後半から美術家としての活動を始める。1977年「ドクメンタ6」に初めて日本人作家として選ばれ、廃油を満たした巨大な鉄のプールを発表し欧米中心の美術界に衝撃を与える。続いてパリ市立近代美術館での「第10回パリ青年ビエンナーレ」に参加し、1978年にはGalerie Alfred Schmelaで海外での初個展を成し遂げる。2001年、ミュンヘンのレンバッハハウスにおける個展「NORIYUKI HARAGUCHI」、2007年ハンブルグのクンストハーレにおけるマレーヴィッチへのオマージュ展“Das Schwarze Quadrat. Hommage an Malewitsch” など、大規模な個展で海外での評価が高い。2009年にStudio NYK(横浜・BankART 1929)で大規模な回顧展「Noriyuki Haraguchi: Society and Matter(原口典之 社会と物質)」を開催。2012年、ニューヨーク近代美術館で開催された「TOKYO 1995-70:A New Avant-Garde」展に参加。柳幸典が主催するART BASE 百島で9月13日から開催される「クロスロード」展では、柳や石内都、ブルース・コナーと共に自身6機目となる戦闘機の作品「クルセイダー」を発表する。

Noriyuki Haraguchi

Noriyuki Haraguchi was born in Yokosuka, Kanagawa in 1946. He graduated from Nihon University College of Art, Department of Fine Arts. Haraguchi began his career as an artist in the late 1960s, and in 1977 made an impact in the Western art world by exhibiting a giant steel pool filled with oil waste at “Documenta 6,”a quadrennial international art festival in Kassel where he was the first Japanese to be selected. This was followed by his participation in the 10th Biennale de Paris, and his first solo exhibition overseas was in 1978 at the Galerie Alfred Schmela in Dusseldorf. He gained an international reputation through large scale exhibitions such as “NORIYUKI HARAGUCHI,”his solo exhibition at the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus in 2001. and “Das Schwarze Quadrat, Hommage en Malewitsch,” an hommage to Malevich in 2007. His recent activities include a first ever large-scale retrospective, “Noriyuki Haraguchi: Society and Matter,” which included the presentation of his new work at the BankART1929’s Studio NYK in Yokohama in 2009, evidence of his major influence and presence in the domestic art domain. 2012, he was invited to MOMA’s “Tokyo 1995-1970: A New Avant-garde” exhibition. Exhibition “Crossroad” held at ART BASE MOMOSHIMA from September 13, 2014 where the artist, Yukinori Yanagi organized, he will show his sixth full scale fighter jet work “Crusader” together with Yanagi, Miyako Ishiuchi and Bruce Conner. domain. 2012, he was invited to MOMA’s “Tokyo 1995-1970: A New Avant-garde” exhibition. Exhibition “Crossroad” held at ART BASE MOMOSHIMA from September 13, 2014 where the artist, Yukinori Yanagi organized, he will show his sixth full scale fighter jet work “Crusader” together with Yanagi, Miyako Ishiuchi and Bruce Conner.

原口典之|Noriyuki Haraguchi

中村政人(3331 Arts Chiyoda 統括ディレクター)

東京藝術大学准教授。「社会」や「教育」における美術の在り方を問いかけ、地域に活動の場としくみを生み出す実践を重ねるアーティスト。第49回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(2002年)日本代表。1998年よりアーティスト・イニシアティブ・コマンドNを主宰。2005年、アートスペース「KANDADA」(神田)での活動を経て、2010年に「3331 Arts Chiyoda」を立ち上げる。2011年6月、東日本大震災復興支援「わわプロジェクト」を始動。2010年度芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞(芸術振興部門)受賞。

Masato Nakamura(Supervising Director, 3331 Arts Chiyoda)

Born in Akita in 1963. Associate Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts. An artist who questions the modalities of art in areas of "society" and "education", he is well experienced in producing mechanisms and places for creative activity at the comity level. Represented Japan in the 49th Venice Biennial (2002). Has presided over the artist initiative NPO 'command N' since 1998. Through the activities of art space 'KANDADA' (since 2005), he launched '3331 Arts Chiyoda' in 2010. Started the earthquake reconstruction assistance project 'Wawa Project' in June 2011. In 2010, received the Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists awarded by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.