【#011 飴屋法水】 アーティスト:飴屋法水×聞き手:椹木野衣×聞き手:宇川直宏

2014/10/16(木) 19:00-21:00


Norimizu Ameya

飴屋法水|Norimizu Ameya


1962年、秩父市生まれ。同志社大学文学部文化学科を卒業後、東京を拠点に批評活動を始める。最初の評論集『シミュレーショニズム』(増補版、ちくま学芸文庫)は、90年代の文化動向を導くものとして広く論議を呼ぶ。また同時に村上隆やヤノベケンジ、飴屋法水らと挑発的な展覧会をキュレーション。 主著『日本・現代・美術』(新潮社)では日本の戦後を「悪い場所」と呼び、わが国の美術史・美術批評を根本から問い直してみせた。他に1970年・大阪万博の批評的再発掘を手がけた『戦争と万博』(美術出版社)など著書多数。 近年は岡本太郎の再評価や戦争記録画の再考にも力を注いでいる。2007年から08年に掛け、ロンドン芸術大学TrAIN客員研究員として英国に滞在。

Noi Sawaragi(Art Critic)

Born in Chichibu City in 1962, Sawaragi graduated from the Culture Department in the Faculty of Literature at Doshisha University and began work as a critic in Tokyo. His first collection of critical essays, Shimyureshonizumu (Simulationism) (Enlarged edition, Chikuma Arts and Sciences Library) prompted broad discussion as a work that guided cultural trends in the 90s. People like Takashi Murakami, Kenji Yanobe and Norimizu Ameya curated challenging exhibitions at the same time. In his most famous work, Nihon gendai bijutsu (Japan, Modernity, and Art) (Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd.), Sawaragi refers to post-war Japan a “bad place” and questions the fundamentals of Japanese art history and art criticism. He has authored numerous other publications including Senso to Banpaku (War and the World’s Fair) (Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, Co., Ltd.), a critical re-examination of the 1970 Osaka World’s Fair. Sawaragi is recently re-examining Taro Okamoto and taking a new look at his war paintings. He resided in Great Britain from 2007 to 2008 working as a guest researcher at the Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) Research Centre at the University of the Arts, London.


1968年香川県生まれ。映像作家/グラフィックデザイナー/VJ/文筆家/京都造形芸術大学教授/そして"現在美術家".....幅広く極めて多岐に渡る活動を行う全方位的アーティスト。既成のファインアートと大衆文化の枠組みを抹消し、現在の日本にあって最も自由な表現活動を行っている自称「MEDIA THERAPIST」。2010年3月に突如個人で立ち上げたライブストリーミングスタジオ兼チャンネル「DOMMUNE」は、開局と同時に記録的なビューアー数をたたき出し、国内外で話題を呼び続ける“文化庁メディア芸術祭推薦作品”。現在、宇川の職業欄は「DOMMUNE」。

Naohiro Ukawa(DOMMUNE)

Born in Kagawa Prefecture in 1968. Filmmaker, graphic designer, VJ, writer, and "contemporary artist"... Ukawa adopts an omnidirectional approach to an exceedingly wide variety of artistic activities. As a "MEDIA THERAPIST", he has crossed out accepted fine art and popular culture in turning towards the most freely expressive activities Japan has on offer. March 2010 marked his sudden independent launch of the live streaming studio/channel "DOMMUNE", an online media platform that has hit record view counts and has become a Japan Media Arts Festival recommended work through its continuous call for discussion both domestically and abroad. Currently, DOMMUNE remains Ukawa's profession.