2014/10/01(水) 19:00-21:00
1980年神奈川県生まれ。世界のさまざまな都市で見つけた日用品やジャンクをキネティックなオブジェとして再構成し、磁力や重力、光、温度といった目に見えない力を感じさせるインスタレーション作品を制作する美術家。主な個展に「ソバージュ 都市の中の野生」(Art Center Ongoing/2013年)、「サーカス」(東京都現代美術館ブルームバーグ・パヴィリオン/2012年)、主なグループ展に「CAUSALITY: Kinetic expressions」(1335MABINI/マニラ/2014年)、「見過ごしてきたもの」(せんだいメディアテーク/2013年)など国内外多数。また本年は2つの国際展「札幌国際芸術祭2014」「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2014」に参加。東京の駅構内の水漏れの対処現場のフィールドワーク「モレモレ東京」を主宰。2015年春からは、ACCグランティとして半年間ニューヨークに滞在予定。
Born in Kanagawa in 1980. She is an artist who creates an installation work that will visualize invisible power such as magnetic power, light, humidity and so on, by reconstructing everyday objects and junks found in different cities all over the world as kinetic objects. Recent solo exhibitions include “Sauvage – Wild in the city” (2013, Art Center Ongoing, Tokyo) and “Circus” (2012, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo) and recent group exhibitions include “CAUSALITY: Kinetic expressions” (2014, 1335 MABINI, Manila), “The Things We Have Overlooked” (2013, Sendai Mediatheque, Miyagi) and many others in Japan and abroad. In 2014, she has participated in two big international art festivals, “Sapporo International Art Festival 2014” and “Yokohama Triennale 2014”. She hosts a field work project called “More More Tokyo (Water Leak Tokyo)” which documents wide varieties of water leak sites in the subway stations in Tokyo. Starting from Spring 2015, she will stay in New York for 6 months as a grantee of ACC (Asian Cultural Council).
A writer with focus on the fields of literature and film. Publications include 'Scatology Fruits'. Beginning with the avant-garde cooking show 'Junko Gosho's Taste', Gosho has served as interviewer to many guests such as Jan Švankmajer, Kenihi Haino, and Dewi Sukarno.