【#009 榎 忠】 アーティスト:榎 忠×聞き手:五所純子

2014/10/08(水) 19:00-21:00

榎 忠(現代美術作家)

1944年香川県生まれ。20代から作家活動を始め、1970年ハプニンググループ「ZERO」を結成。神戸を中心に数々のパフォーマンスを行う。グループ解散後も「ハンガリー国にハンガリ(半刈り)で行く」など精力的に作品を発表。近年は、鉄の廃材や金属部品を使ったオブジェや銃、大砲等もモチーフにした作品、インスタレーションを制作。2006年、KPOキリンプラザ大阪にて大規模な個展を開催。2007年篠原有司男との二人展『ギュウとチュウ』(豊田市美術館/愛知)、同年『六本木クロッシング 2007:未来への脈動』(森美術館/東京)、2008年『この男、危険』(札幌宮の森美術館/北海道)、2011年『榎忠展 美術館を野生化する』(兵庫県立美術館/兵庫)。10月4日より11月1日まで山本現代にて個展『LSDF-014』を開催。

Chu Enoki

Enoki was born in 1944 in Kagawa. He started his artistic activities around in his twenties, and formed an "GROUP ZERO" in 1970, known for its avant-garde public performances in Kobe area. In recent years, Enoki creates large-scale machine sculptures and installations of controversial motifs like guns and cannons constructed from salvaged metal scraps. His major solo show was held at Kirin Plaza Osaka in 2006, followed by a number of exhibitions including "Roppongi Crossing 2007: Future Beats in Japanese Contemporary Art" at Mori Art Museum and a solo show "Chu Enoki: Unleashing the Museum" at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in 2011. His latest solo exhibition “LSDF-014” has been scheduled from October 4 through November 1 at YAMAMOTO GENDAI.

榎 忠|Chu Enoki



Junko Gosho(Literary Professional)

A writer with focus on the fields of literature and film. Publications include 'Scatology Fruits'. Beginning with the avant-garde cooking show 'Junko Gosho's Taste', Gosho has served as interviewer to many guests such as Jan Švankmajer, Kenihi Haino, and Dewi Sukarno.