2014/10/31(金) 19:00-21:00
1948年東京都生れ。立教大学卒業後、1970年に渡米、1974年よりニューヨーク在住。徹底的にコンセプトを練り上げ、8x10インチの大判カメラで撮影する手法を確立。精緻な技術によって表現される作品は世界中の美術館に収蔵。2008年建築設計事務所「新素材研究所」設立。IZU PHOTO MUSEUM(静岡)他、建築分野でも活動。近著に『空間感』(マガジンハウス)、『アートの起源』(新潮社)。構成・演出・美術を手がけた人形浄瑠璃『杉本文楽 曾根崎心中付り観音廻り』は2013年秋に欧州3カ国で公演、2014年大阪フェスティバルホール、世田谷パブリックシアター(東京)にて日本凱旋公演。2009年高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞、2010年紫綬褒章、2013年フランス芸術文化勲章オフィシエ、2014年第一回イサム・ノグチ賞等受賞多数。
Born in Tokyo in 1948. Lives and works in New York since 1974. His works are collected by major art museums throughout the world. In recent years he has been expanding his field of activity to literary and architectural work, and in 2008, he founded his architectural office, New Material Research Laboratory, and he was involved in the interior design and landscaping of the Izu Photo Museum, Shizuoka. An appreciator of traditional arts, Sugimoto has also led the direction of Japanese puppet theatre production “Sugimoto Bunraku Sonezaki Shinju”, which will be performed in 3 countries in Europe in autumn 2013 and once again at Osaka Festival Hall and Setagaya Public Theater in Japan in 2014. His works have won many awards, including the 21st Praemium Imperiale in 2009, Purple Ribbon by Japanese Government in 2010, the Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (The Order of Arts and Letters) by French Government in 2013, inaugural Isamu Noguchi Award in 2014.
1956年東京都生まれ。ポパイ、ブルータス誌の編集を経て、全102巻の現代美術全集『アート・ランダム』(京都書院)を刊行。以来現代美術、建築、写真、デザインなどの分野での執筆・編集活動を続けている。1993年『TOKYO STYLE』刊行(京都書院、のちちくま文庫)。1996年刊行の『ROADSIDE JAPAN 珍日本紀行』(アスペクト、のちちくま文庫)で第23回木村伊兵衛賞を受賞。その他『賃貸宇宙UNIVERSE forRENT』(ちくま文庫)『現代美術場外乱闘』(洋泉社)『珍世界紀行ヨーロッパ編』『夜露死苦現代詩』『珍日本超老伝』(ちくま文庫)『ROADSIDE USA 珍世界紀行アメリカ編』(アスペクト)『東京スナック飲みある記』(ミリオン出版)『東京右半分』(筑摩書房)など著書多数。現在、個人で有料メールマガジン『ROADSIDERS' weekly』を毎週水曜日に配信中(http://www.roadsiders.com/)。
Born 1956 in Tokyo. From 1976 to 1986, worked as editor for contemporary art, architecture, design and urban life at Tokyo trend magazines Popeye and Brutus. Then from 1989 to 1992, compiled ArT RANDOM (Kyoto Shoin), a compendium of102 monographs on world art of the '80s. Thereafter, pursued a career of writing and independent publishing in the fields of contemporary art, architecture, photography and design. In 1993, published Tokyo Style (Kyoto Shoin, US Chronicle Books edition, 1999), an extended photo-documentation of how people in Tokyo really live. Followed the next five years by a serialized photo-travelogue column in SPA! Magazine on strange roadside attractions around Japan, published as a single volume in 1996 as Roadside Japan (Aspect, winner of the 23rd Ihei Kimura Photography Award, revised Chikuma pocket book edition, 2000). From autumn 1997 to spring 2001, published Street Design File (Aspect), a new 20-volume series devoted to overlooked treasures of non-professional design from around the world. In 2001, published Universe for Rent, an 850-page extensive research of Japanese living environments. He continues to explore both Japan and abroad for newer and stranger sights to document. Starting January 2012, he is self-publishing a weekly e-mail magazine "ROADSIDERS' weekly" every Wednesday morning.